Buried Truth

Credit: weheartit.com

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

What it means to be born from deceit

The lies they told themselves to protect you

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

Unconsciously rejected by the one who bore you

Lovingly accepted by the one who was betrayed

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

The secret kept from you until you were of age

You convinced yourself  that it didn’t matter anyway

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

Their union at last came undone, the past too much to bear

A slight shift in your world, one you could not even hear

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

You left them then, never to return again

 An anchorless  journey that continues today

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

Falsely sure of yourself and never whole

Flitting from place to place and woman to woman

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

Never quite trusting but always controlling

Hoarding your feelings, a collector of sins

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

The stain of  your beginnings remains with you still

A jagged edge, a dizzying precipice and a perilous fall

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

 Kellie gave us this one line today:

I didn’t understand it then, but I understand it now…

And this is what I created!

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#FWF Free Write Friday: Ponder this…

by Kellie Elmore

16 thoughts on “Buried Truth

  1. So many tribulations to overcome. Understanding in my opinion is the first step in mending a weary lost soul back to whole. Loved this and it was very compassionate for me.

    1. You are right about the first step. Unfortunately, denial is often the first and last step leading to a life where the pain and even the stain is projected onto others who had nothing to do with the circumstances.

    1. Many thanks Oliana. I have seen the process become an epiphany for some, freeing them of the shackles of their beginnings. On the other hand, I have watched and have been a target of someone else’s rage as well as seen the legacy of that monster tangle people I love.

  2. ” An anchorless journey that continues today . . .” Understanding can be an epiphany or a painful realization. I think once recognized, the “stain of your beginnings,” can be washed out. A very emotionally charged poem.

    1. I knew instantly where I would go with this piece. I hope by writing it that the message will be heard out there in the cosmos for those who have experienced this. I have seen both sides and I know for a cold hard fact that pushing down one’s pain is a sure avenue to hurting others.

      1. That is so true — I think your writing will be heard out there in the cosmos. And I’m sure your message will be of help to others.

    1. The piece actually inspired a friend of mine to do her own free write; the heart of what I want my blog to be. A place where others can feel a connection from common experience and a means to move forward to a better, healthier life. Thanks always, always for your continued inspiration and support!!!

    1. Aah, thank you very much my friend. I finally found the words that I have been wanting to say regarding that particular experience. The pain and legacy still resonates for others whom I love. We continue to work on healing and surround ourselves with others to share life’s true joys. Makes the hard times and inner struggles easier to bear! 🙂

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